Distance: 1.5k Swim, 40k Bike, 10k Run
I came back to Treasure Island with 1 goal in mind, to improve on my time from November of last year. The parts that scared me the most were of course the swim, and the run. Last year, the swim made me a little dizzy and delusional, so to come out of the water remembering where my bike was racked was defiantly a win. However, a little of an ambitious swimming style caused me to take in some salt water from the San Fransisco bay, which would take its toll later in the race.
The run started with a quick stop at the porta-pottys to help with my stomach problems, and then a 3 lap course for a total of 10k. The first lap kept me pretty slow with the stomach issues, but each lap after that got faster, with my last lap being the fastest, and sending me over the finish line in 3 hours, 8 minutes, and 37 seconds. A little slower than I would have liked, but still faster than last year by almost 4 minutes.
It should be mentioned that I don't have a photo of the t-shirt for this race, because I gave it to my dad. Both my mom and my dad were visiting from Toronto and cheered me on for the entire race! I was so happy that they took the time to come across the continent to watch me race!
Webpage: http://www.tricalifornia.com/index.cfm/SF2012-main.htm
Official Results: http://raceresults.eternaltiming.com/index.cfm/20090711_San_Francisco_Triathlon_Treasure_Island.htm?Fuseaction=Results&Class=Olympic+Individual~M25-29
Being a small part on the journey to your goal is one of our happiest and proudest memories. The T-shirt is a gift treasured by your dad!